"he (Trump) serves as a mentor for the sexualizing of women to be exemplified for this culture." Chilling. Tip of the iceberg worshipping power.

Being "pro life" is not simply about the unborn.

FOR OUR DAUGHTERS a documentary streaming Sept 26.

"Those of us raising our voices are not calling for a departure from Christ, but rather a return to who Christ really is." Rachel Denhollander

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Fitch! Love this piece and am agreement with you but I wonder if Stetzer response wouldn't invoke your own work on power and the role legislation can have to limit and protect. I.e. legislation won't change culture but could still protect lives and is therefore still worth it.

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Yes my friend. I do see the question "Can anti-abortion legislation be properly seen as a preservatory act (as opposed to a redemptive one) and therefore a legal protection provided to unborn children?" as a legit conversation/discernment. I believe I am arguing in this piece that Stetzer passed right over this discernment. I suggested this discernment on abortion is the one that should happen locally in our churches in 'Reckoning with Power" (pp96-97) Although I think it cannot be a preservatory act, I still think it's reasonable to argue that way and discern just how we understand morally the act of procreation when we live alongside people who do not.

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Excellent, powerful piece. One quibble - Trump's an adjudicated rapist.

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This is excellent! Appreciate the care with which you write.

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